What makes our company special is our in-depth knowledge of many different manufacturing and processing techniques. Where you normally have to find specialisms such as thermoforming, sealing and printing with separate experts, you can now suffice with one supplier: Ecobliss.
Within our company we bring together different areas of expertise. We know about the design and development of packaging, about preparing that design for production, producing the packaging and the mechanical packaging process that is required for this. This combined knowledge enables us to develop integrated and automated packaging solutions for our customers in the retail sector (and beyond). Below you can read which techniques we master down to the last detail.
Techniques overview
Packaging your product delivers first and foremost protection of your product. By adding the right communication messages, the packaging becomes a promotor, an enhancement of your product and brand. But it can do even more.
Packaging comes in a range of types and offers lots of functionalities. The right packaging can deliver functionalities that support your product even more. The possibilities are endless, your (and our) imagination is the limit!
Contact the team
Our team is fine blend of knowledge, experience and eagerness. Give them a call. Or send a message to call you back at a convenient time for you.